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Stanley Austin Edwards

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Stanley's Dream was established in 2004 by Stan & Donna Edwards as a way to keep their son Stanley's legacy alive through the awarding of research grants for childhood brain cancer research, as well as providing annual college scholarships to graduating seniors in Stanley’s name.

Stanley, or Stan, as everyone called him, was an academically gifted and devoted student whose lifelong dream was to attend Notre Dame University. He was also a promising athlete, excelling in basketball, football, and golf. Stan was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor (an Anaplastic Astrocytoma on the left frontal lobe involving the Thalamus) in March of 2000 at 12 years old while in the 7th grade. There were no obvious symptoms other than poor academic performance beginning at the start of his 7th grade school year.

After surgery to remove the tumor from his left frontal lobe, Stan developed paralysis in his right arm and leg, preventing him from ever again participating in the many sports he loved. He also developed learning disabilities due to the location of the tumor, affecting him cognitively. However, he continued to focus on his education; determined to attend college one day, which he insisted would be Notre Dame University. His desire to attend Notre Dame stemmed from seeing the movie "Rudy" a few years prior to his diagnosis. The movie was based on the true story of a young man who beat insurmountable odds to attend Notre Dame University and play football for them.  Stan loved this movie and would watch it repeatedly.

In May of 2001, after fourteen months of clear MRI Scans, we received the unexpected news that Stan's brain tumor had returned.  We were told that his tumor had "imploded" into multiple tumors, and that barring a miracle; there was nothing else that could be done. We were given the option of Stan participating in a clinical trial, one that many adults with Stan's type of brain tumor had participated in with promising results, but never before offered to a child. After discussing everything with Stan, he agreed to participate even though he understood that the clinical trial was not curative.  However, Stan was determined to beat the odds and grim prognosis, relying on his faith that he would receive "the miracle,” as we all were.

Even with such a grim prognosis, Stan was able to attend school daily until mid October 2001, when his condition began to deteriorate.  It was during this time that he lost his vision completely due to the growing tumor. He also required the use of a wheelchair because of the growing tumors effect on his central nervous system. However, Stan never complained.

Stan passed away on Wednesday, January 9th, 2002 at 14 years of age. Although Stanley lost so many physical abilities, his family remembers what he managed to courageously sustain: his wit and sense of humor, hope and faith, strength and dignity, zest for life, and his ability to inspire all who met him. He was truly a gift and taught us a great deal during his brief fourteen years.  

Written by: Donna Edwards, Stan’s Mom
Posted: 01/09

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