Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Kaeden Vaiyanet

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Kaeden was diagnosed with leukemia just two short weeks before his 2nd birthday.  He has had many obstacles throughout the past 3 years of treatment, spending over 150 days in the hospital. He has had many life threatening infections including antibiotic resistant Pseudomonas, Pneumocystis pneumonia, staph, strep and one overdose of Pentamidine that put him into congestive heart failure. Kaeden is now developmentally delayed due to the trauma of his treatment. Kaeden spent most of the first 2 plus years severely banging his head in anger. The head of the oncology department where Kaeden is treated said "it’s the worst case I have ever seen." Meaning: Kaeden was not dealing/processing/understanding why he needed to go through all of the pain comes with cancer treatment. Kaeden stopped talking for over a year, and basically shut down emotionally. He was a very angry little boy. He is now being treated for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. We hope and pray with his continued courage and determination that he will endure, overcome and conquer leukemia and all of the complications. He attends speech, occupational therapy and sees a Behavioral Therapist.

He just finished treatment September 3, 2009 and we pray treatment will be forever a memory.

Written by: Cheryl Ford, Kaeden’s Grandmother

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