Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Kayli Hostetler

  • Neuroblastoma

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When Kayli was 8-years-old, she went to the doctor for her well child check-up. Upon examination, our doctor felt a large mass in her abdomen and sent us to Akron Children’s Hospital. After a whirlwind of tests and then surgery, Kayli was given the diagnosis of ganglioneuroblastoma. Her tumor was the size of a grapefruit and they were not able to resect all of it, due to it lying along the vena cava. For the next four and a half years, she was followed closely with scans and tests to monitor the residual cells.

Almost five years after diagnosis, she had another tumor grow, which required removal again. Another year later, she had 3 tumors come back at once. More surgery, but a complete tumor resection this time. She then began chemotherapy, which her body did not tolerate well at all. She had to end her chemo early due to her body’s inability to handle more and then completed 16 radiation treatments.

In September 2012, we received word that Kayli’s cancer was back for the fourth time. The cancer is spreading and is not only in her spine and back, but in her shoulder and hip as well. It is determined to be Stage 4.

Kayli is almost 19 and has battled her disease for over 10 years. She has opted to try and slow her disease to grant her quality of health with whatever time that she has. Why be sick and not able to enjoy the things that you want to do? We are fully supportive of her decision. She wants to make the most of her days and is fighting hard to prevail against her disease.

Hostetler Family

Update: Sadly, Kayli passed away on December 13, 2015 at the age of  21.


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