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Jacob Samaniego

  • Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)

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Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)

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Hi, my son’s name is Jacob Dillon Samaniego, born to parents Tony & Melisa Samaniego on October 7th, 2002.

He was 3-years-old when he started having constant fevers that at times would spike at 103 to 104. He just felt so yucky. With 3 misdiagnosis - an ear infection, strep throat, and viral infection – the doctor then turned to some basic blood tests. Jacob tested positive for Mono and being anemic, and as a parent I thought we finally had an answer. But the fever came back again about a day & a half later spiking to 104. During all this about a month had already gone by. Then with more extensive blood work, Jacob was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) in July 2006. All I could think was that the doctors were wrong, it couldn’t be CANCER !! Not my little boy! My heart skipped a beat, we were devastated! Our world became a sudden blur, trying to figure out if we were dreaming. That day was the beginning of the new journey that Jacob and our family were about to take. It would test the deepest core of our unit, our family. We spent the first 3 weeks in the hospital for bone marrow aspirations, spinal taps and the different chemotherapies. The nurses made a big difference and made Jacob feel more at ease. He became spoiled very quickly!! :O) We were just about at the two year mark and in maintenance when Jacob started to have headaches and nausea. After a spinal & bone marrow aspiration we found out the leukemia was back, talk about devastating – he had been doing so well. They found out he had a small amount of leukemia cells in his spinal fluid and bone marrow. It was May 23, 2008 when he started treatment all over again and a lot more of it. He was now 5-years-old. The first 4 weeks contained 5 chemotherapy treatments weekly, 3 of them in his spinal fluid & high doses of steroids. He held up ok, was always tired, felt yucky and really moody, but he moved forward with a smile like the champ he is. We once again achieved remission. We had some hospital stays due to fevers and one infection in November2008. The infection was in his double line Hickman which was removed and he had a port put in, which took some time for him to get used to, but he handled it like a pro.

Jacob had a 2nd relapse almost a year later when we checked into the hospital on Easter Sunday 2009 for his scheduled chemotherapy. Our nightmare restarted, my stomach was tied in knots. At least Jacob says he had fun at the hospital. Once again on June 19th we achieved remission! Then again came two more relapses, the last one, one week before a bone marrow transplant. Mentally Jacob took it a lot better than I did, his smile kept me going every day. It is us as parents that do the massive worrying, stressing, have anxiety attacks and sleepless nights. I know I just have to keep going, its all about Jacob! On Aug. 31, 2009 after just one round of chemotherapy Jacob got Fungal Pneumonia, the worst thing that could have happened. With no white cells, and no immune system to fight this predator that is invading his body. Every one was so afraid he was not going to make it. This is my son and he WILL beat this and prove to every one that he is a survivor! After getting the right antibiotic on board, Jacob walked out of that hospital 3 weeks later with no signs of the leukemia rearing its ugly head. He would be celebrating his 7th LUCKY MIRACLE BIRTHDAY on Oct. 7th! It was a time to celebrate. We could not start back up on the chemotherapy because his lungs had to heal completely from the fungus. Weeks later the leukemia started to return in late Oct. to Nov. All we were doing between October and February was keeping the leukemia at bay and lowering Jacob’s counts. Finally it came to the point where the leukemia took over and Jacob’s little body had enough and could not fight any longer. This was the WORST DAY OF MY LIFE; my heart broke into a million pieces. It is the worst thing when your child takes their last breath in your arms. I am the proudest mommy in the world. To have the most courageous son, he fought to the end!

My Precious Jacob earned his Angel Wings on February 1, 2010 at 11:35pm, after a 3 1/2 year battle. Jacob is the strongest, bravest little Hero I will ever know, I learned a lot from his little soul. He taught me about the true meaning of life! Nothing could have been possible without the doctors and nurses, we are thankful for all of them.  We had always kept the HOPE, STRENGTH & COURAGE through each day! Thank you for every ones prayers! 
Jacob you will ALWAYS BE IN MY HEART!
Written by Melisa Samaniego, Jacob’s Mom

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