Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Joseph Bunkley

  • Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor (AT/RT)

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Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor (AT/RT)

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Joseph, known by loved ones as “JoJo”, has been a happy baby since birth. He is a chatterbox at less than a year old and loves turtles, water, and his family. He was a perfectly healthy baby who hit all his milestones. Then one day, in March 2024, his parents noticed his eyes were deviated downward, and he couldn’t seem to track anyone or anything.

Joseph was rushed to the hospital where they discovered his head had a circumference of 44.5 cm instead of the normal 42.5 cm for his age range. This led to a CT scan that brought devastating news: he had a malignant brain tumor at only 4 months old.

So far, Joseph has undergone two rounds of chemotherapy but stays his happy and hopeful self. “Even through a high dose of chemo, he still smiles!” his mom, Dymon, said.

Currently, Joseph is anticipating a high-dose stem cell transplant. His family knows he will stay strong and brave, and Joseph is the most optimistic of them all.

He is his family’s hero because of his radiant positivity. He has been through so much at such a young age but is still full of hope.

To other families who may also be facing a childhood cancer diagnosis, Dymon wants to offer comfort. “It is a tough journey,” she said, “but with love, support and prayers you will get through this!”

Dymon wishes there were more resources for children so young and is interested in starting a foundation of her own someday. She said Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) means everything to their family and that “It is foundations like ALSF that help our little heroes and their families!” Like her son, she is hopeful that there will be new and better treatments for kids of all ages.

Information provided by Dymon B., Joseph's mother
Updated July 2024


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