- Osteosarcoma

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Learn More »Kennedy Jayde Bougher was an active 10 year old when she complained of pain in her left ribcage. She was involved in a running club at Dalton Elementary School in Aurora, CO. It seemed possible that the pain was caused by, what her pediatrician called, a pulled muscle. A couple weeks later, on June 4, 2007, the very first Monday of Summer break Kennedy complained to her mother that the pain had worsened and she didn't want to take a deep breath.
Kennedy's mother Stacy took her to Children’s Hospital satellite emergency department. After a battery of tests it was determined that the pain in her ribcage was not a pulled muscle after all. It was a tumor! Kennedy was transferred to the main Children's Hospital downtown Denver. A biopsy, bone marrow testing and a double mediport was put in place on Wed. June 6. It was determined that Kennedy had cancer but what type was not known, until Fri. June 8th. She was diagnosed with osteosarcoma or bone cancer. Chemotherapy started the next day and within a week she was losing her beautiful, curly red hair. After a few months of chemotherapy treatment, Kennedy had 3 ribs removed in a bone salvage surgery. Her scar is massive and recovery was long and hard but Kennedy was determined to beat this cancer. After pathology tests results showed less than ideal tumor kill percentages, her chemotherapy map was extended to include a more aggressive, intense therapy. Kennedy has endured terrible mouth sores, kidney stones, the chicken pox virus and other severe side effects from her treatment. A couple months after she was diagnosed, Kennedy lost her Grandpa Denny to liver cancer. He was only 60.
Kennedy's passion for a cure for cancer is beyond normal for her age. She, like every cancer child, has grown up so fast and has been introduced to a life that most adults cannot comprehend. She is passionate and intelligent as she learns as much as she can during her treatments. Kennedy has made it half way thru chemo and totally psyched to be finished with her treatments and on to a normal middle school life. Kennedy is a very strong, positive and faithful child. She wants to educate anybody she can with the knowledge of Childhood Cancer and all the different types and treatment plans. She has worked long and hard to promote education as! She was involved in the Holiday Card Project at Children’s Hospital where they sold out of her own designer Holiday card, 10,840 cards in total. She was in the front Harley motorcycle on HD's annual toy drive and Kennedy works hand in hand with Cops Fighting Cancer. She has been in the local news and paper and plans to attend as many summer camps as possible and learn how to help other organizations such as Alex Lemonade Stand to raise money for the research, cure and the support of childhood cancer.
Kennedy has a Caringbridge site and her personal goal is 1 million hits. Her site is www.caringbridge.org/visit/kennedy1. Please pray and support Kennedy in the remaining months of her treatment and in her future. She will make a difference in this horrible fight against cancer. She is called the Princess Warrior. She is a survivor. She will strive with a nice tall serving of Alex's Lemonade.
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Your donation helps to fund critically-needed research to find better treatments and cures for children with cancer.