Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Chloe Booker

  • Neuroblastoma

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Behind Chloe’s sweet and shy disposition is a funny and friendly 10-year-old. She’s a self-taught artist who loves to draw. She’s also skilled in gymnastics. She enjoys spending time at the park and loves hanging out with friends. Chloe is known for giving everything she does her absolute all – especially when it comes to her battle with neuroblastoma.

Chloe was 4 years old when she began experiencing strange pains that she couldn’t explain. It moved from her leg to her arms and even her full back. That’s when Chloe’s mom knew it was time to take action. From Urgent Care to the emergency room to primary visits, the road to diagnosis took nearly two months before testing at St. Louis Children’s Hospital offered an explanation – cancer.

Chloe’s neuroblastoma was at stage IV, meaning she had an 18-month treatment plan ahead of her. Her treatment involved chemotherapy, radiation, a tumor resection, stem cell removal and transplant, and immunotherapy. Things were looking promising for a while, until Chloe relapsed in 2020 with metastasis this time. Again, she began with chemotherapy, a tumor resection, radiation, MIBG radiation, and a clinical trial that uses a vaccine.

Chloe’s mom, Mia, dreams of a long fulfilling life for her daughter without the concern of another relapse. Chloe is her mom’s hero because although she’s been fighting for most of her life, she remains so happy and gives it her all. Chloe remains a sweet friend and sister, always making others feel happy. This fight has made Chloe such a strong person at such a young age. She knows how to hold her family together.

For other families facing a childhood cancer diagnosis, Mia wants them to know that the journey will be hard, but also, rewarding. “Remember to enjoy the small moments and milestones, because it is easy to forget them or not acknowledge them because of the pain,” she says. Mia believes that “we owe kids all the happy times.”

Chloe’s family appreciates organizations like Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) because it reminds them that there are people who are rooting for their family to one day live in a world without cancer. While Chloe continues traveling from Missouri to New York for the vaccine trial, ALSF's Travel For Care program is assisting with travel expenses, so they have one less thing to worry about. Today, Chloe is still fighting bravely until she beats neuroblastoma!

Information provided by Mia B., Chloe's mom 
Updated July 2023 

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