The Childhood Cancer Blog

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month: Everything You Need to Go Gold in September

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By: Trish Adkins

Every day in the United States, 47 children are diagnosed with childhood cancer. When you expand that to the entire world, the number skyrockets to more than 1,000 children a day. After diagnosis, children face a variety of treatments and prognoses. But one thing unites all their stories: these kids want cures and they deserve those cures. 

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month is every September. During the month, we “Go Gold” to honor the children in treatment, those out of treatment and those who have lost their lives to cancer. This month of “Going Gold,” is all about awareness and knowing that awareness will lead to funds that will lead to research. 

And that research will ultimately lead to cures. 

Here’s everything you need to Go Gold in September:

1. Learn about the Gold Ribbon
A group of parents picked gold as the official color for the childhood cancer awareness ribbon. The color gold symbolizes how precious children are and the resiliency of childhood cancer heroes. Unlike other awareness ribbons that symbolize one specific disease, the childhood cancer ribbon stands for dozens of diseases. You can learn more about the different types of childhood cancer, including brain tumors, leukemia and other solid tumors like neuroblastoma here. 

2. Be Bold and Share
All month long, share childhood cancer facts, inspirational hero stories plus research news and updates. Here are some great pieces to share:
•    Childhood Cancer Facts — share our infographic and childhood cancer facts all month long.
•    Hero Stories — Read and share stories of our heroes — children fighting cancer and their siblings, our SuperSibs! 
•    Research Stories — Read through our blog and learn more about the innovative research that is getting us closer to cures. 

3. Take Action and Go the Distance!
Join The Million Mile and make your miles count all September long. From the casual walker to the active cyclist, anyone can participate in this month-long, grassroots challenge by tracking miles and raising money to help kids fight cancer. You can join a team or create your own (it just takes a couple minutes!). Then track your miles and raise funds all September long! 

Join The Million Mile

4. Join the One Cup at a Time Club
Want a super-easy way to make an impact? Make a donation and sign up for our One Cup at a Time Club! Whether it is $5, $50 or $500, every donation adds up to a cure for childhood cancer. 

5. Dress the Part
 Head to Alex’s Shop for all the best Go Gold and childhood cancer awareness gear. From t-shirts to car magnets, we’ve got everything you need to Go Gold in style!

Thank you for going gold with us, one cup at a time!