Childhood Cancer

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Liam James Kane

  • Neuroblastoma

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Liam was always the typical little boy who loved running, playing, laughing and being silly. He had a smile that would melt your heart and a laugh that was contagious. He continued to be a "normal", beautiful boy throughout his entire battle with neuroblastoma, even with his "tubies" and yucky medicines he had to take. He amazed us all with his strength, courage, patience and trust and he still made us all laugh! He remained a "normal" boy, probably because he didn't have the fear that we adults owned. Liam never owned the adult concept of feeling sorry for himself and taught many adults life lessons that we will never, ever forget.

Liam loved dinosaurs from the time he could walk...he was sure he would be a paleontologist and discover more bones! He also loved Power Rangers, monster trucks, Star Wars, baseball, and every color of the rainbow... and he loved blue Gatorade, lemonade and pretzels! He was our "Superman" and he still is! Liam was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma when he was 3 1/2 years old and after battling this disease for 20 months... he died at home at age 5 1/2... leaving behind his little sister, Alli, who is 2 years younger and who adores him so. These past two years have left us with a hole in our hearts and lives, but we continue to find strength and purpose in Liam's 5 incredible years here on earth and we will use his passion for life to help others and to spread awareness about these horrible things that happen to our children. Clearly, "Childhood Cancer Should be Extinct!"

HOPE FAITH COURAGE... Kevin, Andrea and Alli Kane

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Your donation helps to fund critically-needed research to find better treatments and cures for children with cancer.

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