The Childhood Cancer Blog

Feel Good Friday: Get Inspired by Real-Life Heroes 

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By: Trish Adkins

As life continues in lockdown, it can be hard to see the lemonade (and to know what day of the week it is). Heading into this Memorial Day weekend, which for so many of us is the official summertime kick-off, can feel a little flat while as regular life pauses. 

We could all use some inspiration to boost our moods and get us moving. 

At Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF), our inspiration comes from the heroes — the children who have faced childhood cancer and still, always, find a way to simply be kids. Here’s some Feel-Good Friday inspiration to help take you into the holiday weekend, ready to turn lemons in lemonade:

1.    Noah
High school student Noah was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Throughout his battle, Noah has been his mother’s hero because of his resilience and strength. He always chose to fight even when things got difficult. Tyreece will never forget what her son said to her while he was being admitted to the ICU through the ER during his fourth round of chemotherapy:

"Mom, what do you do when life hands you lemons?"

"I make lemonade, Noah!" she said.

"That's right!" Noah replied, "That's what we are going to do!"

2.    Sylvia
Sylvia was a first-grader when frequent headaches and vomiting led to an MRI which revealed a brain tumor called medulloblastoma. That diagnosis changed her entire life — but did not take away her silly streak.  For her family, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) symbolizes hope for a cure. They are so glad that it exists to raise awareness about pediatric cancer and provide support for families going through a difficult time.

3.    Aribelle
Aribelle is an energetic, spunky and loving 5-year-old little girl. She’s typically grinning from ear-to-ear and can make anyone laugh. But for a while, Aribelle had a nasty cough and trouble breathing. After testing, she was diagnosed with neuroblastoma.

Courtney, Aribelle's mom, knows how long and difficult this journey can be. She believes in places like ALSF , because it could mean no child or parent ever has to hear the word cancer again. 

4.    Ellie
Ellie was merely 4 months old when doctors found a mass on her right shoulder. Life would never be the same for Ellie or her parents, Tara and Mike. Ellie fought bravely, going through treatment for the initial diagnosis and relapse, all before she was even 2 years old.

While Ellie was in treatment, Tara would hold her tight and say, "I got you." Now, Ellie, who is cancer-free, returns the favor, often reminding Tara: "I got you, Mommy."

5. Lilly

When Lilly faced surgery after relapsing with neuroblastoma, her family made the decision to donate extra tumor tissue to research instead of throwing it away. “We hope that Lilly’s neuroblastoma tumor can be some small part of helping other children who are waiting for cures,” said Nicole Ibbotson, Lilly’s mom.


Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation is launching a social media campaign inspired by ALSF founder Alex Scott’s positive outlook in times of uncertainty. We want to know how you are making lemonade out of lemons during this time - whether by learning new skills, getting creative, connecting with family or friends through video chat or doing something else that puts a sweet smile on your faces! However you're making lemonade out of this situation, we want to know! Share your special moments with us on social media using the hashtag #MakeAlexsLemonade. 

Everyone can make a difference in the fight for cures for childhood cancer! While we are all home now, we can still work together. Sign up for the Virtual End Childhood Cancer Walk/Run on May 23, and together, we can help families now who need our support!