By: Trish Adkins
Each week we’ve been bringing you some feel-good stories from our #MakeAlexsLemonade social media campaign. Our hero families, the families who are directly affected by childhood cancer, have been leading the charge in sharing all the ways they are turning lockdowns into lemonade. From family dance parties to creative digital learning strategies to more time at the dinner table, we’ve been inspired by how love can grow during these difficult times.
For childhood cancer families, fear and uncertainty are all too familiar. One family, the Butkus family in South Jersey, received the news that their son Jaxson relapsed earlier this year, just before COVID-19 became a daily word around the United States. Jaxson, who is 5 years old, had first been diagnosed with a brain tumor called Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor (ATRT) in 2015.
Now, facing ATRT for a second time, Jaxson is fighting cancer during a pandemic. He has endured surgery, stem cell harvesting, chemotherapy and will continue onto daily radiation treatments. Socially distancing and protecting Jaxson is more important than ever. His family has been finding moments to celebrate all the love and good that they can. This week, Jaxson and family headed to Dalton Farms, in Swedesboro, NJ, to drive through the tulip fields and celebrate spring.
All families are living through a new type of togetherness — spring breaks in back yards, college classes on the patio, days of gardening and times of just holding each other tight. No matter who your family is or if you’ve been touched by childhood cancer, these pandemic days are the perfect time to #MakeAlexsLemonade.
Here are this week’s stories that inspired us to make lemonade:
1. SuperSib senior year
Gabby Banaszek, SuperSib and daughter of ALSF staffer Heather Banaszek, is finishing her senior year at Texas Christian University at home in Kansas City. Gabby’s younger brother CJ battled chronic myeloid leukemia and passed away in 2014. Gabby became a SuperSibs ambassador for ALSF a couple years later. For Gabby, this volunteer role is a way to help other siblings and also for her to help remember her brother.
2. Fresh air all week long
Five-year-old, Lilly Ibbotson has spent her fair share of time inside the hospital, battling neuroblastoma. Diagnosed as an infant, Lilly has endured surgeries, scans, chemotherapy and other treatments. Lilly is spending this time at home with her brother Tyler, enjoying the fresh air, chalking the walk and doing other art projects.
3. Curbside birthday celebration
The youngest of the Littlefield sisters is celebrating her big 5th birthday during lockdown. Her sisters chalked their walk to prepare for a drive-by of friends and family to celebrate this exciting milestone birthday. Olive's oldest sister, Lucy, is a neuroblastoma survivor.
4. Lemonade storytime
A couple of weeks ago, Heroes and SuperSibs snuggled up in their homes and read "Alex and the Amazing Lemonade Stand." Each family took a couple of pages and the result is a fantastic storytime video that we cannot stop watching.
Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation is launching a social media campaign inspired by its founder, Alex Scott’s positive outlook in times of uncertainty. We want to know how you are making lemonade out of lemons during this time - whether by learning new skills, getting creative, connecting with family or friends through video chat or doing something else that puts a sweet smile on your faces! However you're making lemonade out of this situation, we want to know! Share your special moments with us on social media using the hashtag #MakeAlexsLemonade.
COVID-19 has disrupted everyday life in so many ways. For families in the midst of childhood cancer treatment, navigating a cancer diagnosis is more difficult than ever. You can help ALSF provide critical support to families as they travel for treatment and navigate cancer in a pandemic. Your donation can mean another hotel stay, another weeks’ worth of groceries and another day of peace of mind over finances for these families.
Together, we can help families navigate this uncertain time. Give today and make a meaningful difference for all children fighting this disease. Donate today.