Childhood Cancer

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Conor Strizich

  • Germ Cell Tumor

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Conor was 2 1/2 when he was diagnosed with a germ cell tumor. The news felt like a freight train hitting us on an ice cold night. The tumor was removed and chemotherapy followed (4 rounds). It's hard seeing your child ingest all that poison. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to deal with. Conor came through it like a champ, never wavering from the strong young man he is becoming. Conor is an inspiration to all those around him - I might be a little biased, but he is the greatest hero I have.

Conor is currently a sophomore in high school and is cancer free and doing well.  Conor is involved in many school activities, but his favorite activity is running, he is on the Varsity team for Cross Country and Track.  A side rffect from one of his Chemo drugs is the possibility that his endurance may be affected and activities that require endurance may not be possible.  I am happy to say Conor has not experienced these side effects and continues to grow into an amazing young man.  It is amazing how far Conor has come and we are excited for what the future holds.

Written by Michael Strizich, Conor’s dad
Last Updated: August 2015

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