Childhood Cancer

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Bryce Raub

  • Rhabdomyosarcoma

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Bryce’s cancer journey began on March 27, 2009 when a lump was discovered on his shoulder. After five hours of tests in the emergency room, the doctor determined it to be “an unknown mass” and suggested a pediatric surgeon remove it.

It was determined that Bryce has rhabdomyosarcoma, and he is currently undergoing 43 weeks of chemotherapy. Bryce has had multiple CT scans, ultrasounds, bone aspirates, bone scans, MRI’s and has had multiple surgeries. After his second big chemotherapy treatment his MRI showed “no signs of the tumor.” While this is very promising, there is still a long road ahead. Bryce will not need radiation but will be continuing with his chemotherapy schedule.

Bryce is an inspiration to everyone that meets him. He is a true joy to be around and the absolute light of our lives.  My hero, Our Bryce!

You may follow Bryce’s journey through his website:

Written by Amy Raub, Bryce’s Mother

Update: Sadly, Bryce passed away in January of 2011.

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