- Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)

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Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)
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Learn More »Gabby is an artistic and spiritual 10 year old who was diagnosed with T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia in August 2017. Her treatment plan is set to last two and a half years, but she has already gone through difficult procedures like spinal taps and blood and platelet transfusions. No matter what, she remains brave and strong.
Gabby recently started going back to school part time for several days a week and is doing well. They have to return to the hospital quite often, but far less than when she was first diagnosed. During her fight, Gabby’s family believes God will provide all they need to have faith and believe she can be healed. There is still plenty of Gabby’s story to be written after this journey and they believe everything truly happens for a reason.
Their hope is that as Gabby gets older, she will always remember how strong she has been during this time. If she does, nothing will shake her enough for her to break down and crumble.
Information provided by Holly Sollitto, Gabby's mom
Updated June 2018
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