- Wilms Tumor

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Wilms Tumor
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Learn More »Morgan loves softball, plays the trumpet, is in her school choir and has found a passion for field hockey too! On top of all those activities, she's also in renaissance, student goverment and paints sets for school plays. Despite that busy schedule, Morgan also finds time to collect Play-doh for Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Child Life department and is very involved with Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation. She's held lemonade stands and started the Lemon Club at her middle school, plus helps out with her older sister's Lemon Club at Morgan's future high school. She has done amazing things since she was first diagnosed with cancer.
Morgan was diagnosed with mono on her fifth birthday. After two months of unexplained illness and fevers, the doctors planned to do more blood work. However, Morgan fell getting kicked in the kidney and her family rushed her to the ER before they were ambulanced to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia for Wilms’ tumor. Morgan continued to dance during treatment though and her family remained very supportive! Morgan’s treatment consisted of chemotherapy with dactinomicin and vincristine drugs. It also included occupational and physical therapy. Morgan continues to feel pain and struggle with neuropathy, but she overcomes it with long baths and a book in the tub (or swimming in the summer months!). Her family is thankful for clear scans.
Many kids diagnosed with Wilms' tumor struggle with recalling information, but Morgan has been doing great in school. She has straight A's, is on the Principal's honor list and even excels at math. She'a also an avid reader who read Alex Scott's biography for a school project to start the year. Her dream is to become a Kindergarten teacher someday.
She is her parent’s hero because she never cried about what she was fighting. She pushed through and found comfort in helping others from her first moment in the hospital. Supporting others helped her find a reason to fight and they feel fortunate God blessed her with a kind heart and strong will.
They want other families to remember that friends who have been through this are angels in disguise. They will be more help than you even know.
For them, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation represents first and foremost, a cure!
SuperSib Quote: “Mom, Morgan is amazing.” –Michael, Morgan’s sister, age 13
Information provided by Lilli Pieczara
Updated May 2024
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