Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Kameron Fox

  • Hodgkin Lymphoma

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Kameron is an active 9-year-old boy who loves sports and played baseball and football; however, he often left the football field because he felt weak and his chest hurt.

In the winter, Kameron had the strength to play basketball, even if he had to leave the basketball court a few times due to feeling weak again. His family took Kameron to his pediatrician who said that although he had lost a serious amount of weight he was above weight average and appeared fine to her and was sent home.

Just a few days after their second visit to the pediatrician, a bump appeared on Kameron’s neck. Kameron’s dad, Kevin, called the nurse and was told to wait two weeks and see if it went away. Not wanting to wait, Kevin took Kameron to the pediatrician who saw the bump and ordered an X-ray. Soon afterwards, Kameron was admitted to UC Davis, Pediatrics. 

During a meeting with doctors, one of them said he was over 90% sure Kameron had cancer and needed a biopsy to get the tissue and have the pathologists identify the kind of cancer. They determined it was Hodgkin lymphoma and Kameron would require multiple rounds of chemotherapy. Even as he continues to fight this disease, Kameron constantly encourages his entire family with his strength and resolve.

Information provided by Maria Fox, Kameron’s mother

Updated June 2017

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