ALSF founder, Alex Scott, believed that everyone could make a difference and that every gift would add up to a cure for childhood cancer. So far, our supporters have helped us fund over 690 research projects!
For the past 5 years, supporters in the ALSF One Cup at a Time Club have helped to make this funding possible by giving recurring gifts—once a month, quarter or year. These gifts have made an enormous impact, totaling nearly $180,000! This has enabled ALSF to fund innovative childhood cancer research that will ultimately lead to cures and safer treatments.
The One Cup at a Time Club is perfect for everyone who wants to follow in Alex’s footsteps.
Want to get involved? Here are five ways you can help us find cures, one cup at a time:
1. See How Cups Lead to Cures
ALSF began with one lemonade stand—well, really, with one cup of lemonade. Each cup of lemonade and each donation (no matter how big or how small) adds up. One of our researchers, Dr. Jeffrey Huo, explains it like this: first, a few cups of lemonade funds an experiment, those experiments produce data and figures which lead to journal articles and eventually scientific breakthroughs. Each donation made is a building block that leads us closer to cures and recurring gifts add up fast!
2. Get Inspired
The innovative research that is funded by each donation helps children battling childhood cancer. Their stories of strength, struggle and hope are motivation for researchers and supporters to keep going. Meet some of our childhood cancer heroes—true stories about kids who just want to feel better and to live.
3. Check Out the Perks
When you join the One Cup at a Time Club, you are part of the search for cures for childhood cancer and you have access to some of our perks. This includes a special edition One Cup at a Time pin, a One Cup at a Time magnet, a signed copy of Alex and the Amazing Lemonade Stand book, invitations to ALSF events in your area and meet and greets with childhood cancer researchers. Joining the club is more than just making a donation; it is joining a family of supporters that will ensure the next big breakthroughs.
4. Set Up Custom Donation Levels
One Cup at a Time membership is accessible to everyone! You can choose to donate monthly, quarterly or annually. Your gift is recurring and automatically renews—without the inconvenience of having to send in a donation each time. Giving just $25/month will add up to $300 a year and could help fund a family travel to access treatment through our Travel For Care program. A $200 quarterly gift adds up to an impressive $800 for the year, which is enough funding for a POST summer research grant. Plus, you can double your One Cup at a Time donation by asking your employer to match your gift.
5. Invite your friends!
Alex invited everyone to her lemonade stand—and you can too. Share information about the club with your friends and help us get closer to cures, One Cup at a Time.
All set? Join the One Cup at a Time club here!