Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Becca Mueller

  • Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)

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Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)

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Becca loved math, art and playing the piano. She was a big One Direction fan. She shared her birthday with Elvis. Ladybugs always brought her luck. Nothing ever scared her. She loved rollercoasters and playing soccer. 
Becca was first diagnosed August 6, 2010. Prior to her diagnosis, she had fevers for a month straight and no antibiotic seemed to work. 
Becca was diagnosed with biophenotypic leukemia, which meant she had both AML and ALL and both types had to be treated. Doctors tried to treat the AML and it didn’t work. It was a long 3 months in the hospital until they switched to ALL treatment and it worked. Becca went into remission. 
Due to all the side effects of treatment, she had to walk with crutches and braces on her feet for balance. She had physical therapy every week. She completed treatment in January 2013 but she relapsed in August 2014. Doctors tried the ALL treatment since she went into remission the first time. Just like the first time, she was having difficulty getting into remission again. So doctors switched to AML. That got her into remission, but during this long process she developed pneumonia which delayed her transplant. Finally in December 2014, she had her transplant of donor cells from her sister Julia (who is a SuperSib). There were lots of complications with her kidneys and liver after the transplant. On February 2, 2015, Becca became an angel and had no more pain. 
Becca never wanted to fall behind on her school work. School was her lifeline. It gave her hope and drive. Becca always had straight A’s, whether or not she was being taught by a tutor or her teachers. Becca had dreams of going to college.
Becca is her mother’s hero because of how she tackled every treatment and never complained. She always had a sweet smile on her face.
Becca’s mother, Barb, wants others who may have recently received a cancer diagnosis to know to never take anything for granted. Live life to the fullest because you never know when you time is up.

Quote from Becca, “No fear!!!”

Information provided by Barb Mueller, Becca’s mother
Updated October 2016

Read more about Becca’s SuperSib Julia.

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