As we begin the race toward the finish line of 2010, we had one more special event on our agenda – the 2nd Annual Lemon Run 5K Run/Walk. Similar to the L.A. Loves Alex’s Lemonade event, we were given a beautiful day, and the move to Fairmount Park was clearly warranted as over 2,000 people converged for the fun fitness event.
For many members of the Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation staff, Sunday, November 14, was far from a lazy day before heading into the work week. With the race slated to begin at 8:30AM, members of the ALSF team arrived in Fairmount Park shortly after 5AM to prep the course and prepare for the day’s festivities. Among the activities that needed to be completed before registration began: setting up team tents, unpacking snacks for the runners, preparing the start/finish line, and of course putting up signs along the course. Before we knew it, 7AM had arrived and participants began arriving to register and warm up.

We were thrilled with the turnout this year, we nearly doubled our participant number from the first Lemon Run, and we had many more teams participate. Many of the teams who came out were rallying around

Thank you to everyone who attended, donated, and helped spread the word. We hope you’ll join us in 2011. Stay tuned for date and location information for the 3rd Annual Lemon Run.
December 1, 2010