The Childhood Cancer Blog

11 Long-term, Life-Altering Side Effects Related to Childhood Cancer Treatment

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A few weeks ago, we shared information about 11 forms of childhood cancer. In our continuation of the “lists of 11 for 2011,” this week we bring you 11 long-term, life-altering side effects related to childhood cancer treatment. As we work to find cures for all children with cancer, we are equally dedicated to finding less harsh treatments. Many treatments that destroy cancer cells also destroy healthy cells in the process, which can cause long-term complications. Our ultimate goal is survival for all children affected by childhood cancer, and in the process we also want to help provide these children with the best quality of life possible. This can only happen through treatments that do not produce life-altering side effects.

Here are 11 common side-effects that children may experience as a result of current treatment protocols:
  1. Cognitive issues including delayed speech, problems with reading, writing and memory retention.
  2. Fertility issues.
  3. Secondary cancers later in life.
  4. Loss of limbs, or shortened limbs whose growth was stunted.
  5. Cataracts, poor vision, damage to the optic nerve or other effects to the eye.
  6. Hearing loss.
  7. Cardiac problems including an abnormal heartbeat, congestive heart failure and increased risk of a stroke or blood clots.
  8. Kidney failure.
  9. Weak or thin bones that can break easily.
  10. Anxiety and depression.
  11. Teeth and jaw problems including missing teeth, smaller teeth, tooth decay and gum disease.
In conclusion, we would like to dedicate this blog to Kim Hill, the inspiration behind the creation of the Ronald McDonald House of Philadelphia. Kim passed away recently as the result of brain tumors caused from radiation treatments to overcome leukemia as a child. Kim changed the world of childhood cancer by allowing families to have a home during their child’s treatment and her legacy will live on through the many Ronald McDonald Houses around the country.

>> Learn more about Kim Hill in this article at the Los Angeles Times