The Childhood Cancer Blog

Social Media Makes an Impact on Society

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by Jay Scott
When I was growing up, there was no such thing as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or even cell phones! However, today, children are introduced to social media at a very early age, some may even begin creating a digital footprint of their lives before they are out of the womb (have any of your friends announced their impending arrival with an ultrasound photo?). I have no idea how social media will evolve in the next 10, 20, 30 years, and while some of its evolution may be invasive, I know that social media also has the ability to create positive outcomes, including changing lives, contributing to causes, and hopefully even helping to find cures for all kids with cancer.

You may recall in one of our most recent blogs, we told the story of young

Originally posted to the Huffington Post Impact Blog on May 30.