The Childhood Cancer Blog

Avenge Childhood Cancer - Join the Lemon Force!

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We’re on a mission to put an end to childhood cancer 365 days a year at Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, but throughout the holiday season this year – we’re waging an epic battle to avenge the disease in honor of all of our superheroes.

Our inspiration? Childhood cancer hero Dan Hammond. When Dan was 9 years old, a large cancerous tumor was found on his spine. Dan, an avid Marvel comic book fan and illustrator himself, nicknamed his cancer “the beast.” Dan bravely fought the beast for 13 years with courage and humor enduring countless surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Thanks to treatment advances made possible from research, Dan always had hope each time the beast returned. But, after a brave and valiant fight – Dan passed away peacefully on February 20, 2014.

Avenge childhood cancer with us and give the gift of hope for a cure to all kids with cancer this holiday season. We’ve set a goal to raise $40,000 in honor and memory of Dan’s heroic fight with the beast and are already off to a great start. Make a tax-deductible donation today! 

You can also show your support by becoming a caped crusader yourself! Download our official Lemon Force mask, take a photo, share online and you could appear on our social media gallery on our website. Simply tag @AlexsLemonade and use the hashtag #LemonForce.

Learn more about Dan's story and help us honor his memory!