Childhood Cancer

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Anneliese Lawton

  • Neuroblastoma

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Little Miss Anneliese was a happy, healthy and very smiley baby. After going to a local doctor and the emergency room for major constipation, we were sent to the Missoula hospital where a "mass" was found.  From there we were sent to Spokane, Washington. On October 28, 2005 my 10-month-old little girl was diagnosed with neuroblastoma. We spent the next three months in a Ronald McDonald House while Anneliese went through four rounds of chemotherapy (which she handled better than most adults would). Through all of this she was still the happiest little girl in the ward; she loved to use the chrome cages (cribs) to cruise along, learning to do a very cute little dance holding onto the bars. She loved riding around in the little cars while we pulled the IV stand around. It was the only way to get out and about. On January 11, 2006, she had the tumor removed, we were warned prior to the surgery that she may lose some or all function in her leg. The tumor had nestled itself into a nerve cavity. After the surgery was all over, all we could do was wait.  Wouldn't you know it, two days after having her belly cut open my little soldier learned to walk. We were released two days early from the hospital.  We return to Spokane every six months and so far everything has been great.

Written by Tevan Smith, Anneliese’s Mother


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