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Lemonade Stands Raise Money to Battle Childhood Cancer

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Just over a year ago, Brenda Flint looked across the table at her daughter and noticed a lump on her neck. 

She immediately took her to the doctor, where she was told that enlarged lymph nodes are common in children Kallie's age, 8, and to watch it and come back in two weeks if it was still there. Two weeks later, it was still there. Doctors recommended waiting another month. A month later the lump remained. The doctor referred the family to an ear, nose and throat specialist who said the same thing: It could be anything. But, the best way to know was to do surgery and remove the lymph node. Flint and her husband David agreed to surgery and it was scheduled for a week later. The surgery was successful and the lymph node was sent to pathology. 

A week later, back at the doctor's office for a check up, the pathology results were back. Kallie's tests had been sent to the Mayo Clinic. The doctor told the Flints that this happened sometimes, and there wasn't necessarily any reason to worry, but a few days later, a nurse called and told Brenda that the doctor wanted to meet with her and her husband that day at 5 p.m., after office hours. Brenda's heart sank. She knew results were back and anticipated that they weren't good. She was right.

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