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On May 17, an army of Monmouth Reform Temple (MRT) members went forth into the community and on their temple grounds to perform “mitzvot” –a commandment from God to do good in the world on MRT’s “Mitzvah Day.”
They tilled the soil behind the temple building in creation of a community garden to feed the poor and ventured out to paint a Habitat for Humanity home. They knitted caps and blankets for preemies and made templates for shoes for Ugandan children.
Students in the fourth grade served drinks at Alex’s Lemonade Stand, congregants including Rabbi Marc Kline and Cantor Gabrielle Clissold donated blood Students in kindergarten through 2nd grade visited the Kensington Court assisted living center singing Jewish folk songs and dancing to entertain the residents. At the end of their performances, the children presented the residents with colorfully decorated flower pots and brilliant flowers to brighten their rooms. Another group of students visited the Chelsea assisted living center doing arts and crafts with the residents. A different group cleaned the trail along the Henry Hudson Trail in the Highlands.