- Neuroblastoma

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Learn More »Morgan was incredibly shy during her first two years of life, so shy that she could not leave her mother’s side without tears. Shortly after turning 2, Morgan was diagnosed with stage 4 high-risk neuroblastoma. One positive that came out of this incredibly devastating experience is that Morgan's absolutely amazing personality emerged. She is happy, she is incredibly funny, she loves to tease, she is a superhero and she is no longer shy.
Morgan had been having stomach pain and stopped eating. It was not unusual for her to stop eating, but eventually her pain became so bad that she would not play. Her parents took her to three pediatricians in one week before they could convince one to order a CT. Immediately after the CT scan they were sent to the local children's hospital and Morgan was diagnosed with neuroblastoma.
Morgan has had six rounds of chemotherapy, surgery to remove the tumor, high dose chemo, a stem cell transplant and immunotherapy. Morgan’s mom Liz writes, “I hope and dream that we can watch Morgan grow into the incredible young lady that we know she will become. I believe that her incredible personality will always shine and know she will overcome any treatment or non-treatment related obstacle put in front of her.”
During treatment, Morgan became a fan of the superheroes in cartoons. She loves all of the Avengers, Spider-Man, Wonder-Woman and many others. Her family thinks she used her own superpowers to get through her grueling treatment. Four months after completing treatment, Morgan ran a one-mile kids’ race. Liz says, “I should have known better, but I did not think she could/would run the entire mile. However, once she crossed the starting line, I could see the determination in her face. I continuously asked her if she wanted to stop or let me carry her. Every time I asked a question like this, she immediately sprinted past me. Through sheer determination and motivation she completed the entire mile and became an inspiration for every onlooker, myself included.”
Today, Morgan is 7 years old and is currently NED. She will begin second grade in the fall.
Hero Quote: Once while Morgan was battling some pretty intense side effects, her mom overheard her in her hospital bed making a pretend phone call: "Hulk, Bruce Banner, it's me Morgan. I need the antidote. Thank you." Her mom writes, “I will always remember that moment. We would all love the antidote to childhood cancer.”
Information provided by Liz Schwehm, proud mom
August 2018
Read more about Morgan’s SuperSib Megna.
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