Childhood Cancer Heroes

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McKoy Beard

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McKoy and his twin brother, Sawyer are best friends and love to play with superheroes and Ninja Turtles. The boys also have 3 older sisters and a stepbrother and sister. 
McKoy was only 2 when a bulge appeared on his right side. Within two days it had grown, so his family doctor ordered some tests. As soon as the doctor saw the MRI he sent the family to Oklahoma University Children’s Medical Center for a proper diagnosis (Wilms’ tumor). McKoy’s family states, “The word CANCER hit us like a ton of bricks.” 
Within a few days McKoy had surgery to install a port and to take a biopsy of the tumor. He then had 6 weeks of chemo before having a second surgery to remove the tumor and his right kidney. 
Besides two surgeries, McKoy has had several radiation treatments and is undergoing 26 weeks of chemo. He has been hospitalized a few times for illness and has had over 10 blood transfusions. 
McKoy’s family is committed to getting McKoy through all of the treatment he needs and helping him to live the most normal life possible. It is very important to his family to spread awareness about childhood cancer.
Despite going through treatment, McKoy always is smiling. His twin Sawyer is a hero too for keeping his brother active and happy. Sawyer and McKoy’s other siblings have enrolled in SuperSibs for some extra emotional support during the tough time their family is going through, to help recognize the important role they play.
Hero Quote: "My not bald, my have tiny little hairs"
Information provided by the Beard Family
February 2015

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