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Johnstown Boy Pledges to Run 500 Miles to Help Childhood Cancer Battle

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Fulton County Express


While most children find themselves consumed by the latest technology, a local fourth-grader has pledged to run a staggering 500 miles before August to raise money for other children fighting cancer.  The 9-year-old Johnstown student, Garrett Bobowski previously ran 100 miles last year to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and celebrate the first 100 days of school. However, he said this year he decided to up the ante in preparation of his first half-marathon.

Garrett, who is described by his mother Trisha Bobowski, as a running fanatic, decided that he would run for Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation and raise funds in the process to help find cures for childhood cancers.

This isn’t the first time Garrett has done something like this – last year he raised over $500 for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The year prior to that he created 100 fun packets to be delivered to the children at Albany Medical Center.  This year's effort will assist the Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation which emerged from the front yard lemonade stand of cancer patient Alexandra “Alex” Scott who wanted to sell lemonade to raise money to help find a cure for all children with cancer.

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