- Rhabdomyosarcoma

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Learn More »Ez Powell is a kind, cautious, funny boy who absolutely loves Star Wars. Ez plays Lego Star Wars video games and had a huge collection of Star Wars Legos. Throughout his cancer journey, he has identified with Yoda.
Ez was diagnosed with high risk stage 4 embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma after he began having trouble walking. His primary tumor was in his pelvis and had already metastasized to his spine and lungs. Ez’s treatment includes 54 weeks of chemo and 10 weeks of radiation.
Ez’s family hopes he will get to experience a normal childhood filled with joyful running and playing, going to school and making new friends. In Ez’s words, "I want to get my speed back!" Little by little, he is getting it back.
Ez is a hero because despite his circumstances, he's filled with joy and laughter. He doesn't allow the dark side of the force to overcome him. He sees the good in all situations and keeps smiling through treatment after treatment.
It is this bright attitude that has gotten him and his family through the toughest times, which includes the sudden passing of his father, Ron Powell. Ez and his family were enjoying being altogether under one roof and coming to terms with their new life battling Ez's cancer when Ron passed away Sunday morning, on February 2, 2014. He died in his sleep, with his family around him. It is believed that he suffered from sudden massive cardiac arrest. No one expected this heartbreak, it was more than any family should have to bear. His family thinks of him and misses him every single day.
What helps gets the family by is their motto of being kind to themselves and to remember that “the power of positivity is immeasurable. Find moments of happiness everywhere. They are there. Slow down and focus on today.”
Hero Quote: "I'm done with cancer! I got my speed back!" -Ez Powell, 2/11/2015
Information provided by Alexandra Porrata, Ez’s Mom
February 2015
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