Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Austin Baxter

  • Retinoblastoma

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Austin is a very loving 2 year old who likes to play with his cars and swim. He loves being outside and playing with his big brother.  When he was only 3 months old, his parents noticed something wrong with his eyes, but his doctor said he would grow out of it. At Austin’s one-year checkup the doctor became concerned and referred Austin to an eye doctor who immediately saw a tumor and sent Austin and his family on to Miami, where his cancer, retinoblastoma, was confirmed.
Two days later, Austin had his first laser surgery.  Chemo started two weeks later. After four more chemo treatments his left eye had to be removed. He went through four more chemo treatments, laser surgery and EUAs (examinations under anesthesia) every three to four weeks.
Austin is currently in treatment. His parents hope he will keep his sight in his right eye and not get another tumor. His mom advises other parents whose children have received a cancer diagnosis that, “It is not easy to watch your baby go through all the treatments but you can do it.”
Austin’s family participated in the 2014 Alex’s Million Mile to give back and raise awareness about retinoblastoma. For all he has been through, Austin is his family’s hero. He is the sweetest boy and doesn’t even know he is sick.
Quote (from Austin’s brother Corey):  "We will beat this together."
Information provided by Sonya Baxter, Austin’s Mom

February 2015 Update: Austin is currently doing good. The tumors in his right eye are stable. His family still goes to the hospital every 3 months to see there are any changes to the tumors. Austin also has a MRI every 6 months.

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