Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Bailey Johnson

  • Neuroblastoma

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Soon to be 15 years old, Bailey Johnson has already endured more medical treatment than most people do in a lifetime. By the age of 5, he was a four-time neuroblastoma survivor. Despite the fact that he’s already been through so much, side effects from his cancer treatment continue to affect his life.
Bailey was diagnosed at 9 months of age with Stage IV neuroblastoma and underwent many rounds of chemotherapy and radiation and multiple relapses. Although most of the long-term effects from his treatments have been mild, the radiation to his spine led to a recent diagnosis of scoliosis and kyphosis. Next month, Bailey will undergo surgery to fix the curvature of his spine. The surgery will involve 28 screws, two titanium rods, and bone grafts from Bailey and cadaver bone. He will spend weeks in the hospital recovering afterward, be out of school for two months, and be barred from physical activity for at least one year.
Bailey’s family has hosted Alex’s Lemonade Stands to help raise money and shares ALSF’s commitment to finding better treatments and cures. Bailey has already been through so much and his experience shows the need for less toxic cancer treatments. His mom hopes that in the future, “families don't have to experience what we have. We did not lose our child, but our child has suffered and continues to suffer immensely.”
Her hope for Bailey is that, “he will fulfill all of his dreams and live a long and happy life.”
Quote: “Do you believe in miracles? YES!” - Al Michaels from the movie Miracle.
Information provided by Kelly Johnson, Bailey’s mom
January 2014


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