Childhood Cancer Heroes

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Charli Preister

  • Neuroblastoma

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Charli is a 13 year old from Nebraska whose hobbies include playing as much soccer as she can, basketball, and loving on her pets! Like most teenagers, Charli also enjoys spending time with her friends and is an active volunteer with church.

Charli was diagnosed with stage 3 neuroblastoma when she was 7 months old. After several weeks of trying to get relief for her discomfort, and multiple appointments and ER visits, she and her family arrived at Children's Hospital in Omaha, NE to receive her official diagnosis. Like many, she experienced some temporary side effects from her treatment such as hair loss, sickness, and loss of appetite. She seemed to start feeling better just days after her first treatment, which kept her family and medical team hopeful. Her family remains grateful for the amazing group of individuals who treated Charli during such a difficult time!

While she does not remember the finite details of her treatment, Charli is very aware of her battle with cancer and how it affected both her and our family. She recently attended the survivor clinic at Children's and was well educated on how her growing body has been impacted, and what she can do to take the best care of herself. Charli wants to continue to help kiddos and families who are battling cancer and has recently started sharing her own story.

Hero quote: “Everything in life is temporary. If things are going good, enjoy it because it won’t last forever. If things are going bad, don’t worry about it because it won’t last forever either.” -Charli 

Information submitted by Brenda Preister, Charli’s mom
Updated March 2020


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