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Maya Rigler is a fighter.
The 10 year-old from Philadelphia has been a cancer survivor since the age of two, when she was first diagnosed with kidney cancer. Last month, Rigler's family recieved a terrible blow. Maya's cancer was back and it was in her pancreas. The pre-teen was now facing another long, grueling fight, filled with hospital visits and chemotherapy treatments. Yet, the thing she was most concerned about wasn't herself, but her lemonade stand.
Each June, Rigler and her family operate a lemonade stand in support of the Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation, a charity started by another little girl battling an awful disease. Alexandra Scott lost her own fight with cancer at age 8, but not before creating a foundation which raises funds for pediatric cancer research and support.
Inspired by Scott's own initiative, which raised over $1 million, Rigler took up the torch, heading up her own stand in Scott's name, with funds going to kids suffering just like she was. But this year, it's Maya who needs help.