Childhood Cancer

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Madison Lewis

  • Neuroblastoma

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When Madison was 4 years old she was diagnosed with neuroblastoma, the same disease that robbed Alex Scott of her life. When other children where going to pre-school, on vacation, or summer camps, Madison spent most of her young life battling cancer. Today, fifteen years later, Madison remains NED (no evidence of disease) When Madison was first diagnosed she was given a less than 50% chance of survival. Madison was treated at Floating Hospital for Children in Boston, where she was put on a special protocol to treat her cancer. After almost a year spent in the hospital, Madison went home. When Madison was younger she conducted several lemonade stands in front of her home in Amesbury, Mass with remarkable results! She was the recipient of the top "100" Lemonade stands!“ She would love when people come and share their cancer stories with me, there are a lot of good stories out there.” Madison knows the bad stories too, as a young child she has attended way to many funerals for her cancer buddies who have become angels. “People have got to realize that us kids need their help, there is so little funding for childhood cancer, it is not fun being sick!” Madison is now 19 years old and will be a sophomore in college. She is now battling the long term effects of chemotherapy and stem cell transplant. For the most part she is enjoying a healthy "normal" life and still attends Floating for yearly checkups!

Information provided by the Lewis Family
Updated: June 2015

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