Childhood Cancer

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Christian James

  • Neuroblastoma

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Christian was diagnosed with neuroblastoma when he was one day old. While conducting the routine hospital exam on Christian and his twin brother, the pediatrician felt "something" when pressing down on Christian's abdomen.  After a series of tests and an airplane ride to the University of Chicago, Christian was diagnosed with stage IV Neuroblastoma. "The cancer may spontaneously just go away" the doctor said.

After the biopsy, the tumor began to grow.  Christian began chemotherapy when he was only 10 days old.  His treatment lasted for about 3 months.  During that time, his little 5 pound body fought off various life threatening infections.  Three months later, surgery was performed to remove what was left of the tumor.  

Now, 12 years later, Christian is showing us what life is all about.  Everything that Christian enjoys totally consumes him.  He wants to learn everything about whatever may interest him at any given moment.  I truly believe he enjoys life on a different level than the rest of his family.  He may have seen the other side and, I believe, he has a greater understanding of "live for today."  Of course he doesn't remember anything that happened while he was sick but inside...he knows.

Written by Susan James, Christian’s Mom

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