Childhood Cancer

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Alexis Dembeck

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Alexis (Lexi) was diagnosed with leukemia on Thanksgiving day in 2007 following a slight fever. She was classified as high risk and immediately started an aggressive chemotherapy regimen. She has had a very difficult time with secondary pneumonia infections throughout her treatment. She has also developed avascular necrosis in her hip from side effects of the different medications causing her to give up most physical activities that she previously enjoyed. She is nearing the end of her treatment plan, and we are just praying that she can pronounce herself a SURVIVOR very soon!

Information provided by Kristin Szyjka, Alexis’s Mother

Update, Summer 2015: 

Lexi passed her 5 year clearance (with no assistance from chemo) in April 2015. She just finished her freshman year at The Catholic High School of Baltimore, where she received an award for academic excellence. She continues to struggle with avascular necrosis, but she is determined to beat it, or at least manage it, so she is able to play field hockey for her high school in the fall! She did extensive internet research ,and has asked her doctor for a second opinion from a sports medicine doctor.  She embraces her survivorship and tries to help others.

Lexi is hoping to become more involved with Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, and wants to raise money for childhood cancer research! 


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