“When life hands you lemons, make lemonade”
According to the American Childhood Cancer organization every year there are nearly 13,400 children (ages birth to 19) diagnosed with cancer in the United States, and is the #1 cause of childhood related death.
At the age of 4, Alex Scott who had been fighting her own battle with cancer since she was one, decided she was going to set up a lemonade stand to raise money to give to the doctors to help them find a cure. On her first day, she raised $2,000! She continued to do this every year, until at the age of 8 she lost her own battle, and passed away. In the end she helped raise over $1 million dollars to help find a cure for cancer. ALSF (Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation) was founded in 2005 by her parents so they could help finish the work Alex had begun.
The generosity and selfishness of this little girl and her family is amazing. To date they have raised over $60 million for cancer research. With this community helping this family and their foundation to achieve their goal of finding a cure and allowing our children to enjoy their childhood, and grow to live long and prosperous lives is priceless and benefits us all!
“For the Children” is striving to gain $1,000.00 in donations + the cost of materials. In order to achieve this Goal, “For the Children” are planning to hold one Lemonade stand fundraiser on a specified date and location, as well as a Virtual “Lemonade Stand” Fundraiser where we can send emails and link to social media networks (such as Facebook and Twitter) to ask for donations.