My name is Mallorie and I'm racing in the Catfish Triathlon on July 8th. I joined Team Lemon to help raise money for childhood cancer because cancer sucks. That may seem like a simple sentence, so to give you little more background, and maybe a little more reason to donate to the cause, here is my story for joining Team Lemon. Someone very close to me was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia- a cancer that most physicians write off as a childhood cancer. This person, however, is a 62 year old man. This man is my Dad. I am racing in this triathlon as a member of Team Lemon because it has been hard enough to watch my Dad who has had a long eventful life fight ALL, I cant imagine a child fighting this cancer. I hope you choose to donate to this worthy cause. And remember every little bit counts! Thank you in advance.
Peace, Love, and Lemons.