Fundraiser Details
This year, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation has had to make some adjustments, like so many of us. Lemonade Days, usually held the first week of June was postponed to the first week of August due to Covid-19. We were unable to participate during this time but can’t let the craziness of this virus keep us from supporting the cause that we’ve been so passionate about for 14 years. While we practice social distancing, wear our masks and postpone the start of school, cancer doesn’t postpone its course. Families with children battling cancer continue to need support and doctors still need funds to help find a cure.
So, this year we are trying something a little different. We are hosting a virtual stand and will be taking donations via the attached link, or you can make a donation through Venmo to Lisa-Dilworth. In addition, we will be handing out individual packets of lemonade with a bottle of water from 10:00 – 12:00 on August 15 from our driveway. Just drive up and we’ll hand you your lemonade to go.
We are grateful for your support in curing childhood cancer one cup at a time!