Welcome to our page! We are the Windsor High School Girls' Soccer Team. In one form or another it feels like we have all been affected or touched by cancer. Recently, our community has been directly impacted by Pediatric Cancer and since September is the start of our Season and also Pediatric Awareness Month we would like to dedicate our Season to helping fund the research to find a cure to Pediatric Cancer. The Girls' will be wearing gold laces & gold bows in honor of this foundation during all home games and we will also be hosting an Alex's Lemonade Stand at each of our home games as well. We have decided to sponsor our pledges based on # of Saves that our goalie makes. For example, 1 Save = $1 Dollar. So if she makes 13 Saves you would donate $13. Please come out and join us in helping to find a cure! GO WARRIORS! THANK YOU for your support!