Fundraiser Details
We love to go big! Lily's BIG Grand Lemonade Stand has broken the World Record for the Biggest Cup of Lemonade, we built the longest line of Alex's lemonade stands--over 500 feet in length, we've pledged to host lemonade stands in each state by the year 2022, we've gone thousands of miles together for childhood cancer awareness and this year, we are going to go thousands more!
We track our miles in September in honor of our beautiful girl, Lily. Lily is 13 and an ependymoma survivor. Diagnosed at 14 months old with this rare and malignant brain tumor, Lily endured numerous surgeries that left her unable to walk. Doctors told us Lily would never walk with assistance. Today, Lily runs (and dances and hikes up mountains and rides our Peloton)!
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and it is time to go BIG or go home! Join team #BigLemonade! Walk, bike, run and dance your way to Million Miles! Every step we take and track in September will add up to BIG awareness and a cure, one mile at a time!
We are so excited for so many amazing friends, family and partners to join us. We are also so excited to have our Peloton family join us and ride TOGETHER towards cures!
This September, Lily will continue to prove that she is a hero by joining Team #BigLemonade and going the distance for children everywhere! She will walk and run beside her two rockstar SuperSibs--Chloe and Nicholas--as well as all of you!
Thank you for joining us on this journey!