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Alex took her last breath 15 years ago on August 1st...and though her family misses her every single day, her legacy lives on through this incredible organization that offers hope and financial support for families battling the same trials Alex & her family faced for 7 and a half years.

RIP Alex. Thank you for all the lessons you have past on through your loving kindness and selfless acts. May we strive to live with the same spirit of generosity.



Adam. 24. Obsessed with HOUSE and Iowa Hawkeyes. Manatee advocate. Won a free throw competition in 7th grade. Good at spelling. Bedtime is no later than 8 pm.



Autumn. 22. O- Blood type. So tough she eats nails for breakfast. Nickname: fall. Eats peanut butter like it's going out of style. Known for carrying her baby blanket with her wherever she goes.



Amanda. 25. Prefers flat pillows and blue M&M's. Does a mean Shakira impression. Likes her water lukewarm. Run mimics a gazelle on steroids. Friends TV show fanatic. Coffee, and more coffee.


Our cousin, Reid has been our biggest inspiration behind this race. When he grows up, he wants to be a garbage man!

His love for all things garbage has led us to choose, "Team CAN" as our team name. Not only to symbolize Reid's love for trash cans, but also to express our belief that he CAN THROW AWAY cancer for GOOD!

Randy Henderson donated


The Moore’s donated


Congrats to the Busta siblings on an accomplishments for a great cause

Anonymous donated


Wilson family donated


Dad & Mom donated


So very proud of you!! What an amazing accomplishment and a great cause!! Happy “Runday” on Sunday!! Love You!!