The Pathfinders help Kick-It Cure Children's Cancer
This event is to help Local 150 Member's who's children are struggling with cancer do somthing to help fund research that may someday save their childrens life as well as give hope to other familys struggling with the tragety of pediatric cancer.nThe Kick It for the Kids of Local 150 event gives children and adults alike the power to do something to take an active roll in the fight aginst cancer in support of these families.One of these families is the family of Jaxon Dokulil, Jaxon is a six year old boy from northwest Indiana who in Dec 20 12 was diagnosed with Stage 4 High Risk Neuroblastoma.Another is the family of Samantha Benko, On August 6, 2012 Samanthas parents received a call with biopsy results. They were told Samantha has Thyroid Cancer, and it has metastasized to her lymph nodes. And would need surgery to remove the cancer affected regin The surgery went well with the exception that three of her four parathyroid glands were also removed. (These glands control the calcium in your body and are very important to the vascular system). Every week Samantha goes to have lab work done. She is now awaiting Iodine Radiation treatment once her Iodine levels are low enough in her body. She will be on thyroid medication, prescription vitamin D (helps keep the calcium in her body), calcium and vitamin D forever. Thyroid cancer in children has a high rate of recurrence so she will be seeing her Oncologist & Endocrinologists for the rest of her life