Fundraiser Details
As some of you may or may not know, I will be running in the New Jersey Marathon on April 30, 2017. This will be my first marathon ever, the longest race I have ever done before this was 7 miles, so this will be a pretty big jump. As I started training for this race, and being inspired by another friend doing the same on a much bigger scale, I wanted to raise money for a good cause. I started searching and came across Alex's Lemonade Stand and thought it would be perfect. When I have had days when I do not feel like running, I think about kids who would love nothing more than to go outside and run but are currently unable to. All cancer sucks, but to me pediatric cancer may be on another level because it is taking away something many of us of had the privelage of having, a healthy childhood, which has allowed us to live a happy adulthood. So I ask you to help me, and make any kind of donation between now and April 28th, 2017, even make multiple donations if you feel so inclined. Every little bit will help, and I encourage you to go to the Alex's Lemonade Stand official website and read the story of how the company began, and some of the heroes they feature on the page. Thank you in advance for all of your help!
I'm holding a fundraiser to help Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation move one step closer to finding a cure for all children with cancer! You can join me in helping by making a donation right to this page. The money you donate will pay for research to find better treatments and cures for childhood cancer. Please help kids and their families by providing desperately needed hope! Thanks for your support!
I will post messages to keep everyone up to date on how my training is going on the message board here as well as through social media, so keep an eye out!