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After signing up for the Disney World Princess Half Marathon, I realized that there was maybe a better reason as to why I love to run. All of these races I participate in usually have a deeper cause and purpose, with a portion of the money going to various charities. I realized that I can be a small part of the "giving back," that ultimately can make a HUGE difference. The Disney Princess Half marathon weekend supports childhood cancer. This is not something that has personally affected my family, but we are surrounded by family and friends who have had to deal with these devastating realities. And the unfortunate thing is that you never know when it may touch you closer to home. There needs to be more done in regards to research! And this is where ALSF stepped in, and this is why I joined their team!! Raising awareness to these issues and raising money towards research at the same time sounds like a WIN to me:) I hope that I can teach my kids about giving back with our goals of setting up a lemonade stand to raise money towards this great foundation. My other hope is that I can reach out to others by leading bootcamp fitness classes with donations going directly to this cause. It is proven that every little bit counts, and here's to one step towards that goal!!! #runwithreason