Hi! We are happy to be a part of "Alexs Lemonade Stand" One Cup At A Time, to help raise awareness and help raise funds to find a cure for pediatric cancers, the least funded of cancers. All proceeds go directly to the foundation. First, I’m grateful to God, and Im grateful for all of you who support us, and have donated to the Lemonade Stand ..Thank You.This foundation is close to my heart, and This teaches my children to give back from their heart, like Alex did. My own family was struck by tragedy when my sister, Ellen, died at age 5 from a brain tumor, so in honor of her ,my parents, family, Alexandra "Alex" and- all touched by cancer in some way .
This foundation is doing so much with up to date cancer research and also provides quality of life programs for those with cancer and surviving cancer. This all could not advance without your support. Thank You. Anne Marie Medici Esposito