Fundraiser Details
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month and I am trying to do whatever it takes to bring awareness to my community and everyone! I am doing the Whipping Childhood Cancer Challenge and I encourage everyone to join in the challenge and help raise money for Childhood Cancer Research. 46 kids are diagnosed with cancer every day and 7 kids pass away every day from childhood cancer. I am challenging everyone to donate $7 and take a whip cream pie to the face to bring awareness and raise money! Once you have been challenged you have 46 hours to accept, donate, and challenge 7 more people to help spread awareness.
September is a Special Month for us. September 8th was the day I found out Antonio was in remission and this year we are celebrating 10 years in remission!!! That is a huge accomplishment in the Childhood Cancer world. Please help spread awarenss and donate to this wonderful cause!