Fundraiser Details


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Deck Painter donated


Hey will one of you boys paint my deck please.

On our first day of fundraising, we raised $330.13! We would like to thank the generosity of our community in helping us surpass our expectations for today's earnings. With such a great start, will are hopeful that we will meet out $850 goal by Sunday evening, and potentially even pass it! Thanks again

On our first day of fundraising, we raised $330.13! We would like to thank the generosity of our community in helping us surpass our expectations for today's earnings. With such a great start, will are hopeful that we will meet out $850 goal by Sunday evening, and potentially even pass it!
Thanks again,

The day has come!
Although it is drizzling and chilly, we have had a great turn out in just the one hour we've been out! We encourage everyone to stop by. We have lemonade, cookies, and summer Mike & Ikes, along with coloring pages, tattoos, and stickers for the kids!

As the days to our neighborhood stand grow nearer, my team and I are setting out to spread the word of the importance of fundraising.
Every day, approximately 250 children die every day from cancer- that's over 90,000 a year. Despite this, less the 5% of government funding for cancer research is dedicated to children battling the disease. This is why we need YOU. Just $50 will fund one hour of research. That's 1/5th of a Coach purse, 1/8 of a PlayStation, or 1/4th of an iPhone 5 . . . yet none of these material items can match up to the price of a child's life. Your advocacy is what matters- whether that means stopping by one of the hundreds of stands held every year, donating online or by text, and spreading the word to friends and family members- every penny counts.
As said by Desmond Tutu, "Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world."
Thank your for your contributions.

My previous post did not include all the necessary information for this feature. By texting LEMONADE & E1114954 to 85944, you can make a $10 donation. All donations will be directly to your cell phone provider and then paid to Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation.
Thank you again for your contributions!

Myself and my team members are eagerly looking forward to hosting yet another ALSF event for the fifth year running! We are right down the road- you'll see us upon entering the neighborhood. There is no set price for lemonade or cookies, we will be glad to take whatever you are willing to donate! Our goal this year is $850, which I think is quite feasible and easily surmountable thanks to the generosity we encounter holding this stand ever year. Along with our sweets treats, we will also have coloring pages, bracelets, and stickers for younger kids so they can gain awareness of the importance of helping their peers who are battling cancer, as well as additional literature for those who would like to learn more about the organization, or perhaps share the information with a friend. We are looking forward to seeing our yearly regulars again, as well as the new faces our flyers and the word-of-mouth may bring. I have also been working with local businesses to put together a raffle that will hopefully bring in some more donations. Even if you don't buy a lemonade, we would still love to see you bring by a donation to aide this cause. Don't forget that even if you can't make it out to see us, you can donate on this page and also donate $10 by texting LEMONADE & E1114954 or writing a check to the order of Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation. All donations are tax deductible. Hope to see you there!