Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation is the most incredible non profit charity, which through people like us who donate money and raise funds for pediatric cancer research, they have been able to do wonderful work. This covers ALL pediatric cancers ~ Research is vastly underfunded for childrens cancers. I am doing my best to help in whatever way I can to give these kids a fighting chance! I think anyone would choose to help a child rather than not, when given the opportunity. I was a child with cancer, my older brother also had cancer when he was 13 years old. Jast after I was born, I was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma at 4 months old, a cancer that still affects about 700 kids per year in the Unites States, accounting for 7% of all childhood cancers. It can be extremely difficult to cure depending on the age of the child at diagnosis. I hope for changes in treatments for children, and someday of course we all hope for a cure. I don't want to worry about my children having any form of cancer, or my children's children, etc. Donations made to ALSF have funded clinical research projects, which have led to many changes, and amazing discoveries aiding in ways to better treat children with cancer.
I want to make a difference, I know i'm just one person in the whole big picture, but together we can do this. If you could find it in your hearts to look at these kids lives, and realize that when we are able to help, t's the greatest gift you can give a sick child or a parent who doesn't know what tomorrow will bring. Please, help me teach our children that making a difference in someone elses life, will make a difference in them, show them that having a giving heart, makes all the difference.
For every $1 donated to ALSF, .90 cents is given to pediatric cancer research, this is substantial. Take a moment when you have time to read their stories, they are worth it.
I thank everyone of you for taking the time to read here, for sharing about Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation, and for helping make a difference!
With All My Heart ~ Ann
Here's my story on ALSF Website:
This video will tell you about Alex and her lemonade stand, an amazing litltle girl:
The video...great statistics:
This video ~ L O V E
Here is one last video clip, ALL DONATIONS made here on my page, will go to: ALEX'S LEMONADE STAND FOUNDATION ~ Thank you Everyone for your kindness!!
Video to the song "BRAVE ~ Sarah Bareilles" It's SOOO GOOD: