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With just shy of a week to go before the race, it's no surprise that this fundraising effort has been on my mind a lot. Since I was a fairly last-minute addition to the team, I haven't had a ton of time to raise money. However, thanks to a network of very generous and loving friends and family, I know I'm going to exceed the goal I set!

As for the title of this post...I knew that helping an organization like ALSF raise money would be a "good" thing to do - charity work is always good, right? But what I didn't realize was the amazing feeling that I get every day knowing that WE ARE HELPING! We are doing something that makes me feel a little less helpless about the big scary C-monster. And it's people like you guys, with your generous hearts that are making it possible.

From the bottom of my heart to the top of my trusty running shoes, I thank you.